2019 Show Date Announced!
Whew! We're still recovering from the amazing turn out last month for our 20th Greater Toledo Train & Toy Show. It was great to see...

Happy Earth Day!
Here are five ways you can celebrate Earth Day and help our planet! 1. Recycle - Recycle your plastic, paper, glass, and E-Waste products...

American Flyer Model Railroad Set
From the Toledo Toymaster's corner, we bring you Roundhouse Randy's very own American Flyer Model Railroad set which was proudly...

Calling all Dealers!
Are you interested in being a vendor at our show? Great! Here is some information for you to know. If you have any questions, or would...

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
St. Patrick's Day is such a fun holiday to spend with your kiddos. We've found some fun activities from Buzzfeed to entertain and bring...

And that's a wrap!
Our show is always the second Sunday of March, here is a few pictures from our 2017 show.

President Lincoln <3s Toledo!
In the early 2000's #RoundhouseRandy purchased a lot of non-descript filing cabinets that he still owns today. In the cabinet's contents,...

Randy Sauder's "Coney Island"!
We're excited to announce that Randy Sauder is bringing his "Coney Island" tabletop operating miniature Amusement Park to Toledo! We're...

Featuring the Hobo Crew layout!
The train layout was built by five individuals in 2011 who were dedicated bringing the enjoyment of model railroading to the public through

Dealers! Time is Running out!
Just a reminder that Open Registration for the Greater Toledo Train and Toy Show ends on February 11th, 2016. This is a hot show that...